We are proud of all our Ravens teams for their efforts throughout the league and playoff seasons! And we are EXTRA proud that we had SEVEN teams playing in championship playoff games (with Richmond hosting five of them!). Here’s the rundown of how that all went



  • Midget A: 2-0 vs. TriCities
  • Peewee C2: 4-0 vs. Western Washington (Red Group)
  • Atom C1: 2-1 vs. Surrey (Black Group)
  • Midget C1 1-0 vs. TriCities (Black Group)


All our losses were really close games!

  • Midget C2: 0-1 vs. North Shore (Red Group)
  • Juvenile: 2-3 vs. Vancouver in a shootout
  • Peewee C1: 3-4 vs. Chilliwack in a shootout (Black Group)

We had great coverage in the local papers about our successes. Links below:


Mar 2, 2020 – There are SEVEN Ravens teams playing in Championship Games this week for their division’s playoff banners, and five of them are home games in Richmond. Come on out in your Ravens gear to cheer on your fellow Ravens. Go Ravens Go!

Wednesday, March 4  
Midget C2 @ 6:15-7:45pm – RIC Coliseum

Thursday, March 5
Juvenile @ 6:30-8:00pm – RIC Garage

Friday, March 6
Midget A @ 8:30-10:00pm – Minoru Silver

Saturday, March 7
Peewee C1 @ 3:30-4:45pm – Sardis Sports Complex (Chilliwack)
Peewee C2 @ 5:30-7:00pm – RIC Igloo

Sunday, March 8
Midget C1 @ 5:45-7:15pm – Minoru Silver
Atom C1 @ 9:00-10:15am – Surrey Sports & Leisure