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COVID-19 Resources


With the emergence of the more transmissible Omicron variant over the holidays, it has become apparent that we will need to enhance our current Covid Protocols to minimize the spread of Covid cases within our association. As always, our priority is the health and well-being of our players and volunteers. With this in mind, we are asking parents, players and volunteers to adhere to the enhanced Covid-19 guidelines below.

  • Communication at this time is crucial to prevent spread within teams. Please let your team manager know if your daughter has tested positive or is experiencing symptoms. Timing is crucial, so please let us know as soon as you can. Please know this information will only be used to work with the Association Risk Manager to prevent spread and coordinate return to play. Your or your daughter’s information will not be shared with anyone.
  • If your daughter is experiencing any cold/flu/Covid-19 symptoms, even mild, she should not come to the rink. Instead, please follow the guidelines from the BC Centre for Disease Control included below. At this time, what players can do to help their team is not attend games/practices if experiencing even mild cold/flu/Covid symptoms, to prevent their teammates from becoming ill.
  • **Though updated guidelines from the BCCDC indicate that close contacts of people who test positive do not need to self isolate, our experience in the last few weeks has shown that if someone in your household tests positive, you will likely test positive/develop symptoms within a few days. Our recommendation is that if anyone in a player’s household tests positive and the player does not have symptoms, it would be a good idea for the player to hold off on coming to games/practices and self monitor for a few days in case symptoms show.
  • **New updated BCCDC guidelines state that if anyone under the age of 18 tests positive, they only need to isolate for 5 days (counted from the first full day after testing/start of symptoms), regardless of vaccine status as long as there are no symptoms and there has been no fever for 24 hours (without taking medication). We are recommending if players/coaches choose to come back after 5 days, they continue to wear a mask on the bench and ice until 10 days after their positive test/start of symptoms.
  • It is strongly recommended that players come dressed to practices/games as dressing rooms have the potential to be a main source of transmission. If dressing rooms are being used, players should minimize their time in the dressing room before and after ice times. Please emphasize the following dressing room protocols to your daughter(s):      
    • Masks must be worn at all times in dressing rooms. In the last few months, there have been times when entire teams have not had their masks for the duration of their time in the dressing room.
    • When the player is exiting the dressing room to go onto the ice, she may take off her mask, put on her helmet and head onto the ice.
    • When the player is heading back into the dressing room, helmets must be removed and masks put on immediately. This is especially important, as players are breathing heavily after games/practices.
  • Avoid carpooling with other families/players
  • Those who have recently travelled outside of Canada must follow all travel protocols and isolation mandates as per the Government of Canada.
  • Only spectators who are fully vaccinated are permitted into rinks. Parents and players must adhere to Covid Protocols at home and away rinks for the safety of our players and volunteers

Thank you all for your support! We will continue to keep you updated as we hear of changes in Public Health Orders and their effects on our Association. Though we know we cannot prevent Covid-19 cases in the Association, we are hopeful that if we can implement the enhanced protocols above, we can minimize spread and impact to our members and the hockey season.

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.




Taji Grguric
Risk Manager
Richmond Ravens Female Hockey Association


Updated January 7, 2022


•      Watch closely for symptoms of COVID-19, cold, flu –  even mild ones for 14 days.

•      Record your temperature every day.

•      Taking medicine that reduces fever (e.g. Tylenol, Advil) may hide symptoms so avoid taking them if possible.

•      If you get symptoms, self-isolate right away

•      You can use the Daily Self-Monitoring Form for COVID-19  to keep track of symptoms.



Fever or chills, Cough, Loss of sense of smell or taste, Runny/stuffy nose, Difficulty breathing, Sore throat, Loss of appetite, Extreme fatigue or tiredness, Headache, Body aches, Nausea or vomiting, Diarrhea.


  • If fully vaccinated, self-isolate for at least 5 days since the start of your symptoms. Wear a mask even in settings where a mask isn’t required and avoid higher risk settings, such as long term care facilities and gatherings, for another 5 days after ending isolation.
  • If unvaccinated or partially vaccinated, self-isolate for at least 10 days since the start of your symptoms.
  • If you don’t feel better after the 5 or 10 days, keep self-isolating until you no longer have a fever or symptoms (without taking medicine that reduces fever for at least 24 hours).
  • If you feel worse, call 8-1-1 or your medical care provider.
  • Public health will let you know if you need to self-isolate for more than 10 days.
  • Self-isolate until your symptoms improve and you feel well enough to return to regular activities.
  • If you have a fever, stay home until the fever is gone (without taking medicine that reduces fever for at least 24 hours).